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web design vs web development
Web Development

Web Design vs Web Development – A complete guide

Danny Adams 

The difference between web design vs web development is that designing talks of creating assets and developing is all about coding.

You must have heard of the term Web Design vs Web Development. We’ll discuss it later in this article. We’ll start from the scratch and understand why we must be familiar with it.

Every business, whether a small or a big, needs a website. If you are a business owner, for this you must have contacted web design and development companies at least once in your life.

Website shows your online presence and credibility. People search and know you easily through a website. In addition, you a have more control on your website. Conversely, in case of social media accounts, you don’t have that much control as you have on your own website.

If you are thinking of making your website or making a career in it, you need to know the difference between website design and website development.

Website Designing

Whenever we land on a website, we see different font styles, logo, buttons, images, etc. It all falls in Website Designing.

Website designing is like a map, architect design or model that you build first. It consists of mockups, logo design, typography, wireframes, visuals effects and all things you see on a website.

We can further divide it into two categories.

  1. UI Designing
  2. UX Designing

·        UI (User Interface) Designing

UI or User Interface Design includes the dashboard of a website and its interface. How it looks and usability is part of UI Designing. UI designers make interfaces appealing and engaging.

·        UX (User Experience) Designing

UX Designing focuses on User Experience and his or her perspective. How user feels and gets benefits from it. They try to think from the user viewpoint. UX designers make websites more engaging.

Website Development

Website Designer thinks of a structure and makes all designs. Website Developers give that structure life and bring functionality to assets designed previously. They use many programming and scripting languages like html, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, etc

It also consists of two groups.

  1. Front End Development
  2. Back End Development

·        Front End Development

Front End Developers make overall structure of a website. They make website alive and adds functionalities to its assets.

·        Back End Development

On the other hand, Back End Developers code website database where data goes provided by the user and provided by us collectively. They build relationship between front end and back end.

Web Design vs Web Development: Some Differences

·        Website Designers do not code

Usually, Website Designers do not code. They build assets for a website. Like an architect who builds models and designs for a house.

·        Web Developers do not make assets

Not strictly, but the job of a web developer is creating a code for a website. He is like a construction company who builds the structure foundation and complete house.

·        Difference in Pay

Usually, web developer charge more than a web designer. Because, there are more web designers than web developers.

·        Tools they use

Developers use different tools than those of Designers. Designers use designing tools like Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator. Sometimes, they also use some Content Management tools like WordPress and Joomla.

In contrast, Website Developers use coding languages like html, CSS, JavaScript, Python, PHP, SQL and others depending upon the nature of the project. They also work with APIs, Database, Servers and toolkits.

·        Designers works with aesthetics

Designers main focus is to enhance the aesthetics of a website. They try to make appealing and interactive User Interfaces. They improve User Experience and make them satisfied. They work hard to make website interactive.

·        Developers works with functionality

Developers focus on making a website responsive using Onsite Search Engine Optimization. They make websites interactive in terms of functionality. They make sure that website should do best on all devices like mobile phones and PCs.

Overlap of Web Designing and Web Development

When talking of Web Design vs Web Development, let’s delve into what is common among these two.

·        They share one common goal

Website Developers and Website Designers both share one common goal. They both try to make a great website. They collectively work towards the improvement of a fulfilled User Experience.

·        They are part of a same Project

They work on the same project. They are part of the same team and do things together.

Which Career is Best for You?

Do you want to embark a journey of a career? Are you struggling to decide which way to go? Let’s demystify!

·        Web Designers

Web Designers create designs for websites. They build assets including mockups, typography, images.

Think of a playground. Designers will create models how the playground will look like. How the grass, sitting area will be. How the players and spectators will experience. How they will have an awesome visit.

·        Web Developers

They make its basic structure. They make actual websites. They deal with data. They make websites interactive. Developers make sure users can easily retrieve data they put in the website.

From the above example, developers pay attention to the size of the playground, sitting arrangements of spectators. How they enter in the ground? How they pay for the tickets? These are the questions or similar questions they will answer.


To make distinction with Web Design vs Web Development is very difficult in real world of work. Nowadays, many designers know some coding like html and CSS or they use Content Management Systems (CMS) like WordPress and Shopify. In a similar way, many web developers know to use some tools like Photoshop, Illustrator and Canva.

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